

 How do I change the skin or use plugins in VirtualDJ LE or Console Edition

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Q: How do I change the skin or use Add-ons in VirtualDJ LE ?

VirtualDJ LE is bundled by manufacturers with their hardware and provides a License to use your new controller straight out of the box. It is limited software but does support using custom settings, skins, effects, samples, mappers and other plugins (providing the author of the addon(s) has made it available to LE users.)

Once a skin is downloaded and installed it can easily be changed from the Settings Interface area in VirtualDJ.

Not all Add-ons are available to all license levels. To enjoy the full features of VirtualDJ and install any add-on from the website (skins, effects, samples, mappers, etc), you will need to upgrade to a Pro Infinity license. There is usually a discount in most cases which you can receive by going to the purchase page and entering your VirtualDJ LE serial number in the box provided in the Discount Prices section.

Please see our comparison page for an overview of the differences between VirtualDJ LE and VirtualDJ Pro/Plus Licenses.

Related Topics:

FAQ I want to report something about an Add-on or contact the author
FAQ Can I share or sell the plugins available on the website ?
FAQ I have created a VirtualDJ Add-on. How can I upload and share it?


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